Thursday, July 10, 2008

Signs of the Times

I've been remiss on my blogging. Apologies. I launched right into directing a show as part of the Algonquin Theater's One-Act Festival. The play is 5 O'Clock by Richard Brockman, and it will be seen this Friday (7/11), and possibly again on Sunday (7/13) if chosen as a finalist. I've also been working daytimes and burning the proverbial candle at all three ends. But I'm also exhilarated. FYI - I haven't finished blogging about the Lincoln Center Director's Lab. I have several pages of notes on our final guest - Anna Shapiro. But I haven't yet had the time to post them. So do return to see them. are some sightings from the streets.

(From my friend Paul Bartlett)... a sign posted in front of an East Village Restaurant:

"I really want the fish but the waiter keeps pushing his sausage."

And today on First Avenue, a dirty young white boy begging for change held up a sign that read:

"My parents were captured by swamp donkeys. Please help."

Only in New York, folks. Only in New York.

See you at the theater.